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Support Soccer G.O.A.L.S (Guided Opportunities and Leadership Symposium Featuring Kristine Lilly)
The Kaukauna Soccer Booster Club is dedicated to supporting and enhancing the soccer program at our school and across our community. We believe that sports play a pivotal role in the development of our youth, teaching them valuable life skills such as teamwork, perseverance, and leadership. It is with this vision that we have organized the Leadership Symposium. The symposium, scheduled for February 17th, 2024, will bring together aspiring student-athletes from our community to explore key aspects of soccer and leadership.
In an effort to foster collaboration and share these invaluable experiences with a broader audience, we are excited to announce that we are opening the event to all schools in the local area, not just limited to our high school. This expansion allows us to reach more student-athletes and create a stronger sense of unity within our local soccer community.
Your generous donation can help cover the costs of organizing the symposium, including venue rental, speaker fees, and promotional materials. We firmly believe that your involvement will contribute significantly to the development and success of student-athletes. Here are some ways you can support us:
Financial Contribution: Your monetary donation in any amount will help us meet our event expenses. We have multiple tiers to thank you!
$0-99 Kick Off $100-249 Direct Kick $250-499 Corner Kick $500-999 Goal $1000+ Hat Trick
In-Kind Donations: If you have goods or services that can assist us in organizing this event, please consider contributing.
Promotion: Help us spread the word about the Leadership Symposium among your network, friends, and associates.
We would be delighted to acknowledge your support by prominently featuring your organization's name and logo in our event materials, on our website, and during the symposium itself. If you are interested in contributing to the Soccer G.O.A.L.S Leadership Symposium or would like more information about the event, please do not hesitate to contact us at: [email protected]